
Ness(ネス,Ness)isthesilentmainprotagonistofEarthBoundandisanalogoustoNintenandLucasintheirrespectivegames.Hegreatlyenjoysbaseball;not ...,AsNessandhispartyofPaula,JeffandPoo,theplayertravelstheworldtocollectmelodiesfromeightSanctuariesinordertodefeattheuniversal ...,2023年9月29日—AsuperpoweredPSIyoungheroboy.Age:13.Species:Human.Portrayedby:MakikoOhmoto.,Nessisapsychicpreadolescentboywhoisthem...

Ness | EarthBound Wiki

Ness (ネス, Ness) is the silent main protagonist of EarthBound and is analogous to Ninten and Lucas in their respective games. He greatly enjoys baseball; not ...


As Ness and his party of Paula, Jeff and Poo, the player travels the world to collect melodies from eight Sanctuaries in order to defeat the universal ...

Ness (EarthBoundMother)

2023年9月29日 — A super powered PSI young hero boy. Age: 13. Species: Human. Portrayed by: Makiko Ohmoto.

Ness | Heroes Wiki

Ness is a psychic preadolescent boy who is the main protagonist of the 1994 SNES video game EarthBound. When a meteor crashes in the outskirts of his ...

Ness's family

2023年7月11日 — Ness's family consists of various characters that appear in EarthBound, supporting Ness on his various adventures.

Ness - WikiBound, your community

2023年10月11日 — Ness (Japanese: ネス Ness) is a boy from the town of Onett. He is the protagonist of EarthBound. He is a gifted child with various PSI ...

Ness Earthbound

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100 Ness & EarthBound(Mother 2) ideas

Sep 7, 2023 - Explore Serena Oxton's board Ness & EarthBound(Mother 2) on Pinterest. See more ideas about mother games, mother art, smash bros.